Thursday, 31 August 2023



1sep 2023,

The actscreenig play performance on MACBETH 

Hello readers. I am a student. I am writing this blog for learning perpose. Here,in this blog I have tryed to answer few questions which has givan by Dilip sir as a assignment.

First four questions are MCQ type and another 5 are open ended questions.

1.What is the genre of Shakespeare's plays 'Macbeth'? 
Ans:- Tragedy

2.Which of the following best describe Macbeth's tragic flaw?

3.The witches prophecies play a significant role in Macbeth Downfall. What is the primary theme associated with these profecies?
Ans:- justice

4.Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene is a turning point in the Play. What emotions is she stiggling with during this scene?
5.Describe the symbolic significance of the opening scene in Act 1 and 4 involving the three witches in the play 'Macbeth'
The scene establishes the mood and ambience of the play. The opening scene introduces to audience to the realm of supernatural and also given them a glimpses of what is to come as the play progresses. 
    The play start with the three witches, also known as the ' weird sisters'. The tree witches represent evil, darkness, chaos and conflict, while their role is as agent and witnesses.  

6.How does Macbeth ambition lead to his moral deterioration throughout the Play? Provide example from the play to support your answer.

Macbeth's moral deterioration throughout the years where ruling and power took place everyone has always wanted to feel powerful and wouldn't stop at any length to have it even if it means hurting others along the way and choosing the wrong path.
   This is a story of an unsuccessful ruler and manipulation. He chose to kill and lie in order to have power. His immoral desion eventually lead him into extreme feelings of gulit and remorse later on in the tragedy. This doesn't stop Macbeth from continuing to commit murder for his own selfish gains and to become king.

7. In what ways does the motif of " blood" serve as a symbol in Macbeth? Explain it's significance in relation to gulit and violence.

The symbol of blood is very important in Macbeth. It symbolize fear. gulit, insanity, curuption and also evil. Macbeth would do almost anything to become king. Since the Three witches predicted that what was going to be a part of his future. 

Blood symbolizes the gulit that sits like a permanent stain on the conscience of both Macbeth and lady Macbeth. 

      "Make thick my blood" - Lady Macbeth

8.Discuss the impact of the supernatural element, such as the witches and profecies, on the the plot and character of "Macbeth"
  The supernatural element in the play are used to predict the future, especially the witches prophecy that Macbeth will become king. This prediction leads Macbeth to bealive that he is fated to rule, which in turn drives him to pursue power through any means necessary.

The tree witches represent evil, darkness, chaos, and conflict. While their role is as agent and witnesses. They appear to have a wrapped sense of morality, deeming seemingly terrible acts to be moral, kind or right, such as helping one another to ruin the journey of a sailor.
     The supernatural instigate Macbeth to act in the way he would not have as well as causes Macbeth to make a change from being Nobel to becoming evil which ultimately leads his downfall. The supernatural plays an important role in Macbeth action emphasizing the impact of outside forces on a being.

9.Compare and contrast the characters of Macbeth and lady Macbeth. How do their personalities and motivations contribute to the unfolding of the tragedy?
     Macbeth, although ambitious, suffers from self doubt which impairs his strength of character and resolvee. Whereas lady Macbeth is confident and ruthless in her ambition and therefore appears more powerful and than Macbeth.

Shakespeare's play the Tragedy of Macbeth explores the tension between power and gender roles.

Exploring the Abyss of Human Nature in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Hello readers !!  This blog task is about on 'Heart of Dearkness '   Introduction:   Heart of Dearkness (1899) is a powerful novella...