Tuesday, 10 October 2023


October 2,2023


Hello readers!!

I am Divya jadav a student of English Department at MKBU. This blog is assigned by  Vaidehi ma'am as part of thinking activity.Here i will discuss about the Richardson famous Epistorly novel "PAMELA"

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded" by Samuel
Richardson is a novel published in 1740. If"Pamela" by Samuel Richardson were set 
in contemporary times, there would likely
besignificant changes in the plot,character, interactions, and societal context to reflect the differences between the 18th century and today. In the present time " PAMELA" we find some changes are:

1) Values of Virtue: In the novel we find one  major important themes or approach is Virtue. The subtitle ' Virtue Rewarded ' it recognise that virtue is  important in the  novel. Among Pamela’s many good qualities are her patience, open-mindedness, and ability to forgive as the novel goes on we find Mr. B how abuse Pamela even though she never hates him and accept the marriage proposal also ,here we find forgiveness of pamela .

And another side we find during the novel the virtuously She also suffer from abused enduring time and raps rewarded of her virtue.
2)Love and  Marriage:
The novel  portrays love and marriage as moral and virtuous institutions, with Pamela and Mr. B coming together in a marriage based on mutual respect and genuine affection.

3) Social virtue:
The novel explores the idea of social virtue, as Pamela's virtue and good character eventually lead to her position in social status, demonstrating the idea that virtuous behavior can be rewarded.

4)Patriarchal society :
The novel portrays a patriarchal society where men generally held more power and had more independence than women. Pamela situation hints that many of the problems that women in that era faced. Pamela notes in her letters and journal that women face a doubl 

While in the present time we find better changes that the situation of society especially for the womens.

5) social class: 
       The novel also explore the difference between upper and lower class.we know that while Pamela wishes to be accepted into the aristocracy. Lady Davers angrily in  with
 her brother for meddling with a servant, let alone marrying her. In her eyes, and in the eyes of higher society, this would not look good for the aristocratic Mr. B. Through her character, Richardson explains to the readers how the middle class wanted to mingle with the higher class to gain social acceptance. 

By the end of the novel, Pamela with her youth, beauty, intelligence, and virtue has managed to  both the middle class and the nobility.

Thankyou for visiting....💐

Exploring the Abyss of Human Nature in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Hello readers !!  This blog task is about on 'Heart of Dearkness '   Introduction:   Heart of Dearkness (1899) is a powerful novella...