Tuesday, 23 January 2024


Hello readers!!
This blog is assigned by Vedhehi ma'am as part of thinking activity about theTranscendentalism


👉What is Transcendentalism ?

-19th century movment of writers and philosopher in new England. 

- American philosophy of english Romanticism it was influenced by German Transcendentalism.

-it began as a protest against the generalstate of state of society and cultural in particular.

-They believed that human beings find truth within themselves, and so they emphasized self reliance and Individual conscience.

Here,  are discussed various questionsregarding the ' Transcendentalism' :

👉1) Transcendentalists talk about the Individual’s relation with Nature. What is Nature for you? Share your views.


-As we learned  that  'Trannscenedentalism' talk about the individual relation with nature in which nature is the source of truth and inspiration. Tanscendentalist saw perfect nature human should not try to change or improve it. Transcendentalism believe in individual and they believe that  human are individual as a pure but it was corrupted by society. They also believed human are inherently good but society and their organisations corrupting.

- what is nature?

 According to me the philosophy in the nature is necessary for the improvement of individual, while engagement with the society is indispensable. In other words, only through focusing on both can we live a complete life and make a better society to live in. which we find Thoreau’s and Emerson’s work focused on self discovery and they urged their readers to look towards nature for individual growth and a better quality of life. They believed that everything is connected and by living in harmony with nature, it can become a refuge for the soul. 

"   Two years he walks the earth, no phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes, ultimate freedom, an extremist, an aesthetic voyager. Whose home is the road. No longer to be poisoned by civilization. He flees, and walks alone upon the land of to become, lost in the wild. ”  

Transcendentalism, emphasizing human nature, truth, simplicity, comfort and the importance of comfort, emphasizing human intuition, people only by virtue of spiritual intuition to achieve the best living conditions. The Transcendentalists place an emphasis on imagination, insight, and inspiration.

- Major Transcendentalism values:-

These are the three importan aspects in Transcendentalism. they believe Individual as pure and highly valued concept of thinking for oneself. Idealism placed great importance on imagination and creativity.

👉2 ) Transcendentalism is an American Philosophy that influenced American Literature at length. Can you find any Indian/Regional literature or Philosophy that came up with such similar thoughts?


In the  Indian philosophy and literature, the concept of "Upanishadic thought" shares some parallels with Transcendentalism. Upanishadic thought, found in ancient Indian texts known as Upanishads, explores the interconnectedness of the self with the ultimate reality (Brahman). This pursuit of a higher, transcendental understanding echoes themes present in Transcendentalist writings. Key ideas such as self-realization, the importance of intuition, and a connection with nature resonate in both Transcendentalism and Upanishadic philosophy.

👉3)Write in short about your understanding of the following essays according to the topics given:


              The essay of 'Self Reliance'
                                     Ralph Waldo Emerson

-About Emerson:


 - Born :- 25 May 1803, Baston, U.S.
- Died :- 27 April 1882, Concord, U.S.
- He was a American lecturer, Poet, and Essayist and the leading exponent of New England Transcendentalism.
- Emerson graduated from Harvard University and ordained a Unitarian minister in 1829.
-He believed in individualism, non-conformity, and the need for harmony between man and nature. 
- He known as pioneer of Transcendentalism in America.

-Title Significance :-

-The title self Reliance is significant in conveying the central message of the essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-The essay argues that people should trust in their own instincts and intuition, rather than conforming to expectations of society.The title ' self Reliance ' captures the idea that each person should rely on their own inner guidance and intuition to live a fulfilling life.
-Self reliance is the ability to do things and make decision by your, instead of relying on 
- According to Emerson self Reliance is key to living a fulfilling and authentic life.

Key Points 

1)Trust in oneself
Emerson argues that people should trust their own instincts and intuition, rather than relying on external authority or conformity to society. He believes that people have a Divine spark within them that can guide them toward their own unique path in life.

 Emerson's "Self-Reliance" delves into the essence of individualism, urging individuals to trust their instincts over societal expectations. He champions true independence, encouraging the courage to be oneself, even if it means 
diverging from conventional norms. Emerson emphasizes the importance of self-trust and pursuing a distinctive life path, inspirinreaders to break free from conformity.

3) Noncomformity
Emerson says in 'Self-Reliance' that it'simportant not to just follow what 
everyone else is doing. He thinks conforming to society's expectations stops us from being true to ourselves. Emerson wants us to be
independent thinkers and do our own thing, going against the crowd if needed.

4) Self Trust
 Emerson believes that self trust is essential to self reliance. He argues that people should not be swayed by the options of others and should have the courage to follow their own inner 

5)Self Expression 
 Emerson believe that each person is unique, and we should not just follow what everyone else is doing .  He encourage us to trust our own feelings and ideas , even if they are different from what everyone else thinkAccording to Emerson , expressing yourself is showing like World your true colours and not being afraid to be unique and different.

6). Spiritualism & Nature 
Nature and Spiritualism play pivotal roles in shaping Emerson's ideas on self reliance
● Spiritualism
● Inner Divinity
● Transcendental Connection
● Intuition and Spirituality

● Nature 
● Nature as a Source of Truth
● Nature as a Teacher
● Self Discovery in Nature

Themes of Essay
The Unity of nature
 The importance of self-Reliance
The limit of science.

 In the conclusion of "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the author emphasizes the importance of individuality andnonconformity. He encourages readers to trust their intuition, 
embrace their uniqueness, and not be swayed by societal expectations. 


Exploring the Abyss of Human Nature in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Hello readers !!  This blog task is about on 'Heart of Dearkness '   Introduction:   Heart of Dearkness (1899) is a powerful novella...